Thursday, 18 April 2024

Members statements

Member for Pakenham

Member for Pakenham

Renee HEATH (Eastern Victoria) (10:37): I also want to send my best wishes to Emma Vulin the member for Pakenham, who shared a devastating diagnosis this week of motor neurone disease. Emma is opposite to me in politics; in the battle of ideas, she is my opponent. However, some things are above politics and this is one of them. Emma is a beautiful, sincere and genuine person who has faced some significant health battles in the past, and she has overcome them. I cannot imagine what she is feeling at the moment. I am sure that there is an incredible amount of fear, and if I could lend some of my strength to her at the moment I would. That is not how things work, but my prayers are with her, her family and her children as she faces this next battle. I wish her all the strength and courage to overcome.