Thursday, 18 April 2024
Suburban Rail Loop
Suburban Rail Loop
Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (17:37): (837) My adjournment is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure in the other place, Danny Pearson. The Allan government is using taxpayers money to buy off local communities to support the Suburban Rail Loop project. The $250Â million SRL community grants fund has already given out over $3Â million, and here are just a few examples: $80,000 was granted to a theatre production; $13,300 for online self-guided virtual tours of Box Hill landmarks; over $40,000 each to multiple clubs for new electronics; more than $13,000 for STEM toys for party packs for babies; over $68,000 on podcasts about the SRL; and $13,100 to increase diversity inclusion in ultimate frisbee. This is despite some of the recipients of the grants being outside the 1.5-kilometre precinct proposed for the SRL; furthermore, some are over 5Â kilometres from the proposed zone.
While many of the recipients are worthy causes, I struggle to see what they have to do with the SRL. A club that received the funding commented: ‘I don’t know what the connection is between the SRL and community sport.’ Other representatives have noted that as a condition of taking the grant they are required to invite a member of the SRL or the government to their events. Many of the clubs who received the funding were encouraged to post promotional material for the SRL. While the SRL is $30 billion over budget this seems likely a rort to win over local communities that are sceptical of Labor’s SRL blowout. Community groups and clubs deserve funding in their own right and should not have to be on their knees as a propaganda tool in order to serve their communities. If the local MPs have failed to support them the way they should, clubs should not have to become propaganda in order to get the funding they so richly deserve. The action I seek from the minister is to detail in writing who authorised and administered these grants, and on what terms, and when Labor will end this SRL rort.