Thursday, 18 April 2024
Constituency questions
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:26): (790) My question is for the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. The SRL has already begun to reshape the lives of those in Glen Waverley in my electorate – not for the better, but for the worse. With an $11 billion shortfall on the first stage alone, there are only two ways this funding gap can be filled: by higher taxes for local residents or by ramming in as many high-rise towers into Glen Waverley as possible to maximise state profit. Now Glen Waverley will spend the next decade as a construction zone. Coleman Parade and Myrtle Street, once bustling streets, now stand unusable. The community has been stripped of its voice all because the government need to indulge in overdevelopment to pay for an unnecessary project they are too broke to afford. What is the complete list of property developers he and his predecessors have met with regarding the Suburban Rail Loop?