Thursday, 18 April 2024


Daylesford Speedway

Daylesford Speedway

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) presented a petition bearing 74 signatures:

The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council that the oldest racetrack in Australia is Daylesford Speedway. The track is 73 years old and two diggers started it for returned World War II soldiers recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The track needs a safety wall for drivers, the crowd and the flagman who has almost been hit many times with only tractor tyres saving him. Not having a safety wall caused a driver to pass away from going up the bank and rolling over. The outside track is 604 metres and the inside wall is 400 metres. Only 300 metres of the inside wall requires fencing and posts. Drainage and a water tank are required as the pits get flooded. A solar farm should be installed to supply power to the racetrack and the Daylesford Football Club. A mobile tower is required to provide phone reception to contact emergency services. A skid pad would allow kids to get off the streets and enter cars in burnout competitions. The speedway is linked with Daylesford RSL and we wish to continue to work with them to help returned soldiers. These upgrades could allow for a sprint car race to be held which would bring $300,000 per race to the Ballarat region.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to upgrade Daylesford Speedway and install a safety wall, fencing, drainage, mobile tower and solar farm.

Wendy LOVELL: I move:

That the petition be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.

Motion agreed to.