Thursday, 18 April 2024
Constituency questions
Western Metropolitan Region
Western Metropolitan Region
Trung LUU (Western Metropolitan) (12:25): (789) My question is directed to the Treasurer, Tim Pallas. Can the Treasurer reassure my constituents that a payroll tax on GPs will not be passed on to patients? Local GPs have expressed that under new rulings doctors working in GP clinics are employees and therefore liable for payroll tax. Information from GPs indicates that in order to keep their practices operational, these additional costs will need to be passed on to patients by charging them up-front if the new tax on doctors continues. GPs have described this ruling as a tax on bulk-billing. Treasurer, our electorates – yours and mine – have the second-highest bulk-billing rates in this state. According to modelling from the Primary Care Business Council, a reduction in bulk-billing will cause an increase in emergency ward attendance, adding $14.3 million to the Werribee Mercy Hospital’s costs each year. Treasurer, will you commit to axing the tax and save bulk-billing for our residents in Melbourne’s west and for all Victorians?