Thursday, 18 April 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: TAFE sector

Ministers statements: TAFE sector

Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (12:16): Today I rise to update the house on the importance of regional TAFEs for local communities. Bendigo Kangan Institute (BKI) Echuca campus is a vibrant, modern facility providing a local hub and resources for students. Just last month the jobs and skills centre opened, and this has been a resounding success. Over 70 community and industry connections have been made, and a partnership with five schools across the Campaspe shire will provide job readiness workshops to over 185 year 9 students.

That is not all. The BKI 2024 Student of the Year winner was a local Echuca student. Kiara Dean was recognised for her remarkable achievements, completing a certificate IV in veterinary nursing while juggling work and a rigorous schedule in clay target shooting. For Kiara, working with animals was a lifelong ambition. However, six months into her university degree the pandemic put a hold on her plans. Not knowing when she would be able to return, Kiara enrolled in veterinary nursing at BKI, and then she never looked back. When talking to Kiara, she said:

Everything I know about veterinary nursing, I know through TAFE. The facilities there are world class … The education was very hands-on …


My teachers were really understanding and really willing to go out of their way to accommodate me. I could not have done it without them.

This is further proof that TAFE is an equal choice to university and highlights the importance of our regional TAFEs, ensuring Victorians can balance their dreams and get the skills they need to work and live right in their own communities.

David Limbrick: On a point of order, President, I would like to bring to the Attorney-General’s attention question 470, which was asked by me in the last sitting week. The response to that is overdue. It was due on 21 March. This is regarding conversion practices legislation. I would also like to bring to the Attorney-General’s attention that since that question was asked the Cass review in the UK has been published, which named the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. I think this has become an urgent matter of public interest.

The PRESIDENT: I am sure the minister will take that on board.