Thursday, 18 April 2024

Members statements

Gender services

Gender services

Moira DEEMING (Western Metropolitan) (10:38): I would like to begin by congratulating my friends and fellow parliamentarians in the UK for all of their work in getting the Cass review up and going and finished in the face of vicious, malicious abuse made only worse by the cowardice of all those around them who knew the truth and instead chose to protect themselves over children. To all the clinicians, teachers, lawyers, MPs, ordinary people, parents and brave detransitioners who have been raising their concerns for years about the unethical and unsafe practices of putting vulnerable children on irreversible and unevidenced medical pathways with the aim of achieving something that can never be achieved, which is to live as the opposite sex, because it is impossible to change sex. Like them, I warmly welcome the Cass review and its findings and look forward to the inevitable end of one of the worst child-safeguarding and medical scandals of our generation not only in the UK but all around the world.