Thursday, 18 April 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: water policy
Ministers statements: water policy
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Housing, Minister for Water, Minister for Equality) (11:52): It is fortuitous that I am already here at the table today. I do rise, further to Mrs Tyrrell’s question today, to advise that the Allan Labor government has finally secured Commonwealth funding for work to continue on the Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project, without giving up anything, including legal standing, in the process. It is wonderful that the Commonwealth has finally recognised the value of these projects that will return about 70 gigalitres of water to the Murray–Darling Basin. That is 70 gig that will deliver better environmental outcomes not just for Victoria but for the whole basin.
We know that Victoria has contributed more environmental water than any other jurisdiction. We have the best system of compliance, of accountability and of transparency out of any of the basin states. We have ensured that flood plain harvesting and water theft are cracked down upon and are not accepted or tolerated. The Pearson review in 2018 found that Victoria’s compliance system of 96 per cent of metering has enabled primary producers to make better outcomes and better decisions in real time for the allocation of water that they have.
We are still opposed to buybacks here in Victoria, as I indicated in my statement issued on the 11th of this month. Victoria has not ceded any rights in relation to the way in which the basin plan, as governed by Commonwealth legislation, will be rolled out, noting that there are amendments that apply now to this legislation that require the Commonwealth to consider socio-economic impact in the way in which it undertakes the process of recovering water. I am looking forward to seeing the Darling flow again. I am looking forward to seeing the Baaka, Menindee and the projects down in South Australia being able to deliver and return environmental benefit as that work continues. The resounding message from communities, including here in Echuca and further afield, is that communities need and deserve advocacy around the importance of primary production and the return of environmental water in a way that does not sell these communities down the river. I am looking forward to that work continuing.