Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Winchelsea Primary School
Winchelsea Primary School
Sarah MANSFIELD (Western Victoria) presented a petition bearing 356 signatures:
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the state of Winchelsea Primary School. In parts of the school there is asbestos materials meaning that improvement works are dangerous and costly. The school faces the Princes Highway, which is a two-lane two-way Highway, and has inadequate fencing, replacing the fence is beyond the school’s financial capacity. Current growth figures are showing that the school will be at capacity in three years. The school doesn’t have an all-abilities toilet and shower meaning it isn’t suitable for all students. Many schools in the surrounding areas have had significant improvements made in recent times. The current plan of fixing or replacing the damage in the buildings is going to cost above $30,000 per year. This will only increase into the future. The current school site is over 60 years old and will no longer meet the requirements as enrolments increase as the town grows. In rural areas the schools are the lifeblood of the community and are seen as a gathering place for everyone.
The Petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to consider planning for a new school on a greenfield site in Winchelsea to cater for the current and future growth of the town and surrounding areas.
Sarah MANSFIELD: I move:
That the petition be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.
Motion agreed to.