Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Katherine COPSEY

Southern Metropolitan Region

Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (12:44): (980) My constituency question is to the Minister for Ageing. Jane is a constituent in my electorate of Southern Metropolitan and has written to me with her concerns about the flagrant support that the Victorian Labor government is giving fossil energy companies through its seniors card program. As part of this program, seniors are offered discount offers from a range of companies, and a recent offer was a deal from AGL. In October 2020 AGL refused to adopt a shareholder resolution to accelerate the closure of its big coal-fired power stations, which would meet the plan to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. People power is working, and recently, thanks to community pressure, AGL has brought forward its coal plant closure timelines. However, its fossil fuel operations will still continue for too long. Minister, we need to withdraw support from fossil energy companies which are wrecking our environment. Will you cancel AGL’s participation in the seniors card program?