Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union
Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:14): (592) My question is to the Minister for Skills and TAFE. Yesterday the minister failed to show leadership by failing to pledge to suspend the CFMEU from the Victorian government’s Skills First training program. The CFMEU is under active investigation by multiple bodies, and the Premier has said it has a rotten culture. Why does the Victorian government continue to provide this skills funding to the CFMEU?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (12:15): I thank the member for the question. The reality in this state is that there is a skills shortage and a labour shortage in a whole range of areas, and there are a range of organisations who are eligible to become Skills First contract providers. The fact of the matter is that there are employer organisations, there are unions and there are community not-for-profit organisations who are Skills First contract providers. In fact my understanding is that the CFMEU has been a contract provider to the department since 2010 – when those opposite were in government. My understanding also is that in terms of the master builders association and other employer organisations, they have similar contracts to other unions that are involved in the construction industry as well.
This is a department-run process. I took you through that yesterday. I have taken you through that on numerous occasions. It is an independent departmental process where there are strong prerequisites. But not only are there strong prerequisites, there absolutely are spot checks in terms of ensuring those contracts are followed and there is also the ability for ongoing audits. We put a blitz unit into the department after those opposite allowed rorts in the system. We are very genuine, and we are very serious about the integrity of the contracts that are afforded by the department to providers. To try and muddy it up with some political agenda of those opposite is absolutely irresponsible to ensuring that we have got a properly skilled pipeline of workers coming through the system and undertaking work in priority areas.
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:17): Minister, I am really glad that you have mentioned spot checks. Has your department carried out a single spot check on the CFMEU as part of the Skills First training program?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (12:17): The department undertakes continuous spot checks across a whole range of providers. This is the system that we have in place, a system that those opposite –
Evan Mulholland: On a point of order, President, my question was very narrow. Has the department carried out a single spot check on the CFMEU as part of this program?
The PRESIDENT: I kind of think the minister was relevant to the question, but I have got to say –
Members interjecting.
The PRESIDENT: Let me finish, because this is the issue: I am struggling to hear her. People ask a question, then they start yelling and then I cannot hear her. And then you expect me to make a ruling on whether the minister is answering the question.
Gayle TIERNEY: I believe that I have answered the question. There are continuous spot checks that are undertaken by the department across a range of providers, across a range of industries, because we have a system in place –
Nick McGowan: On a point of order, President, the question was very specific and in relation to the CFMEU, not in relation to the entire portfolio. The minister has not answered the question. I ask you to bring the minister back to the question as to whether there has been a single spot check, or any spot checks, of the CFMEU contract.
The PRESIDENT: I believe the minister was being relevant. She has finished.
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:19): I move:
That the minister’s answer be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.
Motion agreed to.