Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:52): (988) My constituency question is for the Minister for Public and Active Transport. My constituent Gerald Jenzen has admirably and persistently questioned V/Line’s apparently predetermined ‘public consultation’ on the replacement of the Lydiard Street heritage rail gates. Ballarat station precinct is a special historical place. It should be protected for residents and tourists, yet its aesthetic and heritage value has been trashed by newly installed modern boom gates. Safety is the justification, but no adequate report has been produced, hence Mr Jenzen’s efforts. V/Line first failed to disclose all relevant documents, then when pressed found more but again failed to release them. The information commissioner comprehensively ruled against V/Line, yet even now V/Line will still not come clean and has appealed to VCAT. Minister, when will you step in and stop V/Line wasting time and taxpayers money in its desperate effort to suppress information which the public have a right to see?

Sitting suspended 12:53 pm until 2:02 pm.