Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Anti-vilification legislation

Rikkie-Lee TYRRELL, Jaclyn SYMES

Anti-vilification legislation

Rikkie-Lee TYRRELL (Northern Victoria) (12:29): (595) My question today is for the Attorney-General. Since 7 October 2023 the rates of antisemitism have skyrocketed. This state has seen Jewish schools and synagogues vandalised, universities invaded and even MPs’ offices defaced by the pro-Palestine activists. Last year this Parliament passed laws to ban potentially offensive acts, language and gestures related to Nazis. Will the government do the same with phrases such as ‘From the river to the sea’ and other symbolism calling for the annihilation of Jewish people?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:30): I thank Mrs Tyrrell for her question and for raising these important issues, which have obviously been spoken about in this place for some time unfortunately. We all stand together as MPs calling for social cohesion and calling out inappropriate behaviour that is not acceptable in Victoria in relation to lack of tolerance. What I can inform you, Mrs Tyrrell, is that in relation to the issues that you have raised and the representations that you have made similar representations have been made to me by various groups. My ability to respond to that is through the development of our anti-vilification legislative framework. That is currently still under development. It is on track. We have completed extensive consultation on the proposed reforms, and a report back on what we have heard has already been published on the Engage Victoria website.

It is an incredibly complex area of government policy. You on one hand want to protect people from hate speech, whilst also balancing views of freedom of speech, political expression and the like. These are not easy laws to get right, and they are not easy to draft in the context of conflict in our community, because different groups have different views about what they want the laws to do. I will put it out there that this is challenging, and I am continuing to work through and respond to what people hope these laws can do. But my focus is on achieving outcomes through reforms that protect Victorians and making sure that there are avenues for criminal and civil redress to respond to hate conduct and vilification that is directed to them. I can continue to keep you updated as those laws and consultations progress and would encourage you to check out the website. Indeed I am happy to provide a formal briefing at your request.