Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Wild dog control
Wild dog control
Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (18:25): (1011) The action I seek is for the Minister for Agriculture to urgently announce a commitment to continuing the wild dog program in Victoria. I had a stand at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo recently, and farmers across the state are very concerned. Sheep graziers in my electorate have had up to 30 lambs mauled in a single night. In many cases the dogs do not actually kill stock but maul them to such an extent that they suffer a very slow and painful death. I know farmers in the north-east that have been waiting very patiently to meet with the minister to talk about this issue, because they have been told that they will be consulted as the government undertakes a review of the program in that area.
In March in the north-west, without any consultation and with only a few hours notice, the government revoked an unprotection order on wild dogs. Farmers have been advised that what was previously considered to be a wild dog is now a protected dingo. Since revoking the unprotection order the government has rejected applications for authority-to-control-wildlife permits. Victoria is Australia’s largest sheep meat producer, and by value we account for over 50 per cent of Australia’s wool exports. The sheep and wool show attracted thousands of people to Bendigo and showcased a world-class industry, including food, fibre and fashion industries – industries that this government should be supporting. The wild dog program is needed, and I ask the Minister for Agriculture to ensure that it continues.