Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Constituency questions

Eastern Victoria Region

Eastern Victoria Region

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:49): (985) My question is to the Minister for Police. Respected police sergeant Sergeant Brinkman recently told our community:

The reality is Victoria Police are shuffling resources. 24/7 watchhouses are shutting in places like Moe …

He said:

We always push for additional resources …

We know that crime in Eastern Victoria Region is rising to record levels, and our valued VicPol staff are increasingly under-resourced. Latrobe has the second-highest criminal incident rate and the second-highest recorded offence rate in Victoria.

Minister, in relation to watch houses, they provide a very important element – they hold alleged criminals for short periods of time before hearings, mental health assessments and for processes. Given the lack of resources and the closing of our watch houses, my constituent wants to understand what further watch houses are being closed in Eastern Victoria Region, for how long and in what spaces, and what are you specifically doing to stop criminals being released back onto our streets?