Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Written responses

Georgie Crozier, Ingrid Stitt

Written responses

The PRESIDENT (12:41): Minister Stitt will get responses from the Minister for Energy and Resources for both questions within the standing orders to Mr Limbrick, and Minister Shing offered outside the standing orders more information for Mr Puglielli’s inquiries.

Georgie Crozier: On a point of order, President, I just wanted to raise a number of outstanding questions on notice that I have referred to. I am wondering if the ministers could provide an explanation as to why these questions have not been answered: to the Minister for Health, questions 1388–90, 1490, 1494–5, 1535–8 and 1540; to the Minister for Mental Health, question 1496; and to the Treasurer, questions 1383–5. I hope that they will respond to those.

The PRESIDENT: Can I call on a minister?

Ingrid Stitt: On the point of order, President, Ms Crozier has also written to me directly about these, and my office is following them up with the mental health portfolio. But also there are a few for the Minister for Health as well.