Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Constituency questions
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:50): (986) My question is to the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. Since early 2022 my community has not had access to the north-west oval at Surrey Park due to level crossing removal works. It has now been over 430 days since the project finished work in Surrey Hills, yet the Surrey Park oval they used to store machinery is still fenced off, unusable by the community and not fit to be a functioning oval. The Whitehorse council has provided the Level Crossing Removal Project with a comprehensive independent report regarding the remediation required. It is unequivocally the LXRP’s responsibility to return the park and oval to a usable state, but it is conducting every bureaucratic obstruction possible to delay and avoid the work. Will the minister provide this community, the council and this chamber with a firm date by which this remediation will be completed and the park handed back as promised?