Wednesday, 31 July 2024


Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance


Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance

Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (18:44): (1020) My adjournment matter this evening is for the attention of the Minister for Health, and it is regarding very worthwhile cancer research funding. Earlier this year during Public Accounts and Estimates Committee hearings the Minister for Medical Research was asked about a significant funding cut in this year’s budget for the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, the VCCC Alliance, which was reduced from $9.5 million each year from 2021 onwards to just $7.5 million over the next four years. It has been a massive cut of 75 per cent, and it has just been extraordinary, the outburst in terms of the public’s perception about what is happening here. Of all things, we need to have cancer research funded properly, and that 75 per cent cut is just massive. The minister responded that it was a question for the Minister for Health and the Department of Health.

The VCCC Alliance brings together academic, clinical and medical research expertise from 10 institutions, working in collaboration to improve cancer outcomes for Victorians. As I said, this is incredibly important work, especially when the incidence of cancer is increasing in our growing and ageing population, with new diagnoses expected to increase from 35,000 in 2022 to more than 50,000 in 2030. A 75 per cent funding cut to the alliance will slash that vital cancer research and the programs that they undertake, result in job losses – which have already started – and impact patient support. Issues affected include research into treatment for liver cancer and hepatitis B, a platform that allows researchers to access detailed cancer data throughout a patient’s journey and an education program that upskills medical practitioners working with cancer patients. It also has a very big impact in the regions – of course they are having significant funding cuts due to the government’s directives – and a massive impact on rural and regional Victorians.

But back to this issue. Professor Grant McArthur, the CEO of the VCCC Alliance, said:

Medical research is a major jewel in Victoria’s crown and the reduction in funding from previous levels is concerning …

At a time when the incidence of cancer continues to increase, the VCCC Alliance model of collaboration between major health, academic and research institutions is more important than ever to achieve the best possible outcomes for Victorians affected by cancer.

The action I seek is for the minister to explain why the government has cut millions of dollars in funding for cancer research when the incidence of cancer is set to rise significantly. These very significant institutions that do so much good work are being punished because the government cannot manage money and cannot manage our health system, and it is of course Victorians across the board that are paying the price.