Wednesday,31 July 2024


Cost of living

Cost of living

You might ask whether a new super-effective contraceptive has hit the market, and you would be right to think so. The cost-of-living crisis is the new birth control, and it is a tough pill to swallow. Young people are experiencing increasing housing unaffordability, hefty grocery bills and ballooning HECS debts. Because of this they often have no choice but to live at home or in a share house for longer and longer. It is no wonder that people are putting off the decision to have kids and all the added costs that come with it. With that being said, I will mention that for a number of reasons increasing numbers of people, including me, are making the valid decision to not have children. So this is not about saying that everyone must be running out there and having as many kids as they can. This is about saying that for some people the choice to start and grow a family has been taken away.

I was happy to see that Clyde North in my region was highlighted as one of the 10 suburbs in Melbourne with the highest fertility rates, but despite how much I may want them to, people should not have to move to my region for the chance to be able to afford to raise a family. The action I seek is that the Treasurer ensure that those in Victoria who need it are given cost-of-living support so that they can choose to start and grow their family regardless of their postcode.