Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: Shepparton Albanian Moslem Society

Ministers statements: Shepparton Albanian Moslem Society

Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (12:27): Last month I had the pleasure of visiting the Shepparton Albanian Moslem Society to announce that they would be receiving over $250,000 through the Allan Labor government’s Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund. The government’s infrastructure program directly supports Victoria’s multicultural and multifaith communities to build or upgrade essential community facilities that promote community connections, and it helps to ensure that these important community spaces are safe and secure so organisations such as the Shepparton Albanian society can continue to observe their faith and celebrate their culture and traditions with the broader Victorian community.

I would like to just take a moment to reflect on the longstanding presence and contribution of the Shepparton Albanian society in the region and across Victoria. It is home to Victoria’s first and oldest purpose-built mosque, and it was inspiring to see and hear about the community’s engagement and commitment to preserving culture, heritage and religion and also promoting understanding and coexistence with the wider community. This latest round of our Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund program supports more than 50 organisations, who will share in over $9.7 million in funding. Since 2014 the government has invested more than $88 million to deliver over 560 multicultural community infrastructure projects, which have benefited and will continue to benefit thousands of Victorians. We know that our diverse communities tirelessly contribute to making Victoria the vibrant and inclusive state that it is today, and that is why we will continue to back them and ensure all Victorians can enjoy the social, cultural and economic benefits of a dynamic and diverse society.