Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Members statements



Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (09:56): The official launch of the Victorian Treaty Authority kicked off this month, and with it came a celebration of black culture, as mob from all around the state gathered to mark this critical step in bringing Victoria closer to treaty. This independent body will oversee the negotiations between Victoria’s First Peoples and the state government, ensuring that the process is fair, inclusive and done in good faith. Seeing the Treaty Authority eventuate was a moment that I and mob all around Victoria have been waiting for, and to be surrounded by so many leaders, advocates and fighters was a day I truly will never forget. It cannot be understated how proud I am to be a member of a government undertaking this path to treaty. With this launch, it now means that it is time for negotiations to begin with the democratically elected First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, traditional owner representative organisations and the state. I would like to thank and congratulate the following appointees to the authority: Dr Petah Atkinson, Thelma Austin, Andrew Jackomos, Duean White. They are led ably by chairperson Jidah Clark. It is safe to say that I will be watching their work with great interest, and I wish them all the very best in their new roles.