Thursday, 31 October 2024

Members statements



Danny PEARSON (Essendon ā€“ Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Assistant Treasurer, Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC) (09:57): I want to make a contribution about the appalling behaviour of the Greens political party with their campaign of misinformation and lies against community housing. This notion that community housing is somehow an inferior product is deeply offensive to me. The reality is that community housing provides an opportunity to provide better services to local communities. The reality is that when you look at the work that the former Minister for Housing did it was in relation to providing homes to Aboriginal Victorians to be in charge of their own destiny, rather than this colonialist view from the Greens political party that only unelected, unaccountable, white public servants know what is better for Indigenous people. It is deeply offensive to me. The lies and misinformation from the Greens political party, trying to undermine the way in which housing tenants in my community are being treated, are deeply offensive. The reality is that we are providing more housing and better housing than anything the Greens have offered. The laziness and indolence from the Greens political party, who only use public housing tenants as props for campaigning material, is deeply offensive. Only Labor is going to build the public housing, the social housing, that the community needs.