Thursday, 31 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Child protection


Questions without notice and ministers statements

Child protection

Roma BRITNELL (South-West Coast) (14:02): My question is to the Premier. The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing’s quarterly report shows that 17 children known to them died in 2023–24, but according to the annual report tabled today, the independent commissioner for children and young people was notified of 43 child deaths in 2023–24. Why is the Premier trying to cover up the true number of deaths of children known to the government?

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:03): In answering the member for South-West Coast’s question, at the outset can I reject the claim that she has made in her question. It is incorrect. As the member has noted, the report was tabled in the Parliament today. The Minister for Children has spoken about this in the other place and also has addressed the media on this matter. As I said to the house on Tuesday, any death of any child is indeed a tragedy, and we hold very firmly at the centre of the work that we do supporting children –

Roma Britnell: On a point of order, Deputy Speaker, I have the documents to prove the evidence: the 43 deaths in this one and the 17 deaths in this one. I am happy to table that.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: What is the point of order?

Roma Britnell: Misleading the house.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is not a point of order, and the member knows that such things need to be done in a different way.

Jacinta ALLAN: As I said, any death of any child is a tragedy, and when we consider these matters in this place we should come to this discussion in a manner that befits the gravity of the subject matter that we are talking about. As I have just indicated, we will always prioritise the health and safety of children. As the Minister for Children has acknowledged, and I do as well, we always acknowledge that there is more that we can do. In addition to the additional investment, the additional reforms that the minister and the government are working on, we know that there is more work that can be done both within the department but also right across government. And this is the work that the minister is doing right now. It is important work, and –

James Newbury: On a point of order, Deputy Speaker, under standing order 58 the Premier does have to be direct, and this question went to the department’s under-reporting of deaths and the decision by the government to under-report. I would ask you to bring the Premier back to the decision to under-report deaths.

Mary-Anne Thomas: On the point of order, Deputy Speaker, there is no point of order. The Premier is being both direct and factual in her response, and I ask that you rule the point of order out of order.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Premier is being relevant to the question asked. A point of order is not an opportunity to debate the matter.

Jacinta ALLAN: While we do that work, I would also like to acknowledge those frontline workers who work in really tough situations, but always with the care of vulnerable little Victorians absolutely at the front of everything they do.

Roma BRITNELL (South-West Coast) (14:06): WD, a vulnerable 12-year-old girl with the intellectual age of a six-year-old, spent three years in residential care being preyed upon and prostituted before she was charged with murder. In the annual report released today, the commissioner for children and young people took an unprecedented step, saying:

For the first time, I decided to share an individual inquiry with the premier of Victoria, as I am determined that WD’s experience prompts real change.

In taking such an extraordinary step, hasn’t the commissioner highlighted that the Premier has done nothing to stop children being prostituted and dying in government care?

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:07): Again the conclusion that the member draws from the commissioner writing to me is one that I just do not agree with, and I do not believe it is borne out in any evidence that is being presented by the member. Again I would absolutely caution any member going into the specifics of any case, and I am certainly not going to do so, because I am also not able to legally comment on this or any other individual case. Just as I said earlier –

John Pesutto: On a point of order, Deputy Speaker, on relevance, the commissioner for young people states in her report that she had to take an extraordinary step of raising the matter and she published that in her annual report.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The point of order was on relevance. The Premier is being relevant to the question asked.

Jacinta ALLAN: There is no dispute, and I acknowledged at the outset in my answer to the question that I have acknowledged receipt of the commissioner’s correspondence. What I am not legally bound to – indeed none of us should be – is commenting on the specifics of this individual case. It is deeply inappropriate. I will say – (Time expired)