Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Level crossing removals


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Level crossing removals

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) presented a petition bearing 71 signatures:

The Petition of the certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the fact that the residents of Moonee Ponds and Essendon have been ignored in their please to have the dangerous and congested level crossings in the area replaced

The Petitioners therefore request that; 1) the railway track between Maribynong Road and Glenbervie station be lowered, utilising the “rail­under-road” solution for the dangerous and congested level crossings at Puckle and Park Streets and the dangerous underpass at Mt Alexander Road, 2) release the current plans for dealing with the dangerous and congested level crossings at Puckle and Park Streets as agreed to by cabinet in Feb 2018 (site report) and in March 2021 (Initial feasibility assessment) and 3) release all FOI requested data relating to level crossing removal in the Melbourne Metropolitan area which is costing Victoria taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars to stop its release to the public.

Evan MULHOLLAND: I move:

That this petition be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.

Motion agreed to.