Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Regional employment

Melina BATH, Jaclyn SYMES

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Regional employment

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:40): (836) My question is to the Minister for Regional Development. According to the current budget, the number of jobs the government expects to create in regional Victoria from its regional development programs is 250 this year, down from a target of 500 the previous year. Six years ago that target figure was 1800 jobs. With the highest unemployment rate in the nation, why has the government given up on creating jobs in our regions?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:41): Ms Bath, I just take a bit of issue with the characterisation in your question. Victoria’s regional unemployment rate continues to be strong; it is 3.8 per cent, and that is largely thanks to a concerted effort of this government working hand in glove with communities and regional communities in particular as part of a regional jobs plan that underpins a lot of the work we do. Since coming to government we have created 150,000 jobs in regional Victoria, and that does not appear to be slowing down; those are the messages I am hearing from Labor representatives in country regions. Despite the pandemic, there was not a single month when regional unemployment was higher under this government than in the time that the previous government was in power – so, your side. When you were last in office you barely created 10,000 jobs for the entire period. That is not even 7 per cent of what we have delivered, so I find it a little bit rich, Ms Bath, that you are standing there lecturing a government that has an incredibly strong record in job creation in regional Victoria. Because of the way you have characterised the question and the fact that I am concerned about your understanding of the data, I would be more than happy to take you through regional development efforts and job creation over the past 10 years.

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:42): I thank the minister for her response. Minister, there are 18 grant programs listed on Regional Development Victoria’s website which aim to:

… facilitate investment, create jobs and build regional … communities.

All but two of them are closed; some have been closed since 2021. Why is the government prioritising the $34.5 billion Suburban Rail Loop at the same time it has slashed programs to help regional Victorians get jobs?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:43): Ms Bath, again, I do not accept the premise of your question but also indicating that infrastructure projects do not benefit regional Victoria is a really narrow-minded and misleading view of it. If you like, you could come and visit the concrete plant in Benalla, which has created thousands of jobs to create materials to contribute to the infrastructure projects of the state. There are lots of jobs being created because of infrastructure projects that the Labor government is responsible for. You would not know this, because in coalition you do not build anything. So you did not create jobs, whether it was in metro Melbourne or regional Victoria. When it comes to the SRL, if you live in Bairnsdale and you want to go to Monash University, you will be able to do that without having to come into the city first once the SRL is in operation.