Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Retail workers

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Retail workers

Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (18:36): (1480) My adjournment matter this evening is for the attention of the Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister Symes, and the action that I seek is that she provide an update on the government’s submission into the Fair Work Commission regarding the award review in terms of the general retail industry award.

We have seen a quite frankly outrageous attack by the Australian Retailers Association that has been backed in by several major retailers – an attack on working people’s penalty rates. It is simply not the time during a cost-of-living crisis for these multinational retailers, for these major retailers, who have been experiencing strong profits, to be now coming after the pay packets of working Victorian families and young people.

In my previous career before coming to this place, I had the great privilege of representing retail workers in and across different parts of Melbourne, and I know from conversations firsthand with just the sheer number of people for whom penalty rates are not just a nice add-on but are a vital part of their weekly earnings, a vital part of their pay which means that they can make that mortgage payment, make that rental payment, or the electricity bill, or take the kids out for the occasional treat as well. They are an essential part of our modern industrial relations landscape, and it is outrageous to see this attack come now, especially at a time when families in Victoria and right across the country are doing it tough.

We have seen a very strong response from both the ACTU and the union for retail workers, the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association, and I am wholeheartedly in favour of their responses and their submissions as well, as I am indeed proud that this government has also put its hand up and has openly declared that it will stand with working Victorian people and with Victorian retail workers, who too often do not have their voices heard in these discussions.

I commend the minister for making that submission on behalf of the Allan Labor government, and the action that I seek is that she updates this house on that submission.