Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Members statements
Ukraine Crisis Appeal
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Ukraine Crisis Appeal
Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:53): I recently had the great honour of attending the Ukraine Crisis Appeal charity concert at the Collins Street Baptist Church. Emceed by the talented Amy Lehpamer and featuring many special acts, including, to name just a few, the Cheremosh Ukrainian youth association choir; Markiyan Melnychenko, accompanied by Stewart Kelly; Catgut and Air, with their new song Sunflowers; and the Homin Ukrainian men’s choir. We also heard from the Reverend Simon Carey Holt, pastor at Collins Street; His Eminence Cardinal Mykola Bychok, bishop for Ukrainian Catholics in our region; His Excellency Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Ukrainian ambassador to Australia; and Diahanna Senko, chair of the Ukraine Crisis Appeal. The concert was held to mark the three-year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but of course the war first started 11 years ago with the invasion of Crimea. Since that time hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have tragically lived the words of their national anthem, laying down their souls and bodies for their freedom. Millions have been displaced. Over the past few days I have been horrified to witness certain developments, and I cannot begin to comprehend the cowardice, the arrogance and the contempt of any so-called ally to now bully Ukraine and its people in its time of greatest need. But I am proud that in this country we maintain a proud bipartisan support for Ukraine. Long may it continue. The glory and freedom of Ukraine is not yet lost, and with renewed support of countries like ours, it never will be. Slava Ukraini.