Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Members statements
Education funding
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Education funding
Ryan BATCHELOR (Southern Metropolitan) (09:59): The evidence is clear that explicit teaching and the use of systematic synthetic phonics gets results, improving our kids’ ability to read and write in schools. That is what the experts tell us, that is what the report of the Legal and Social Issues Committee’s inquiry into the state education system found and that is why the Victorian government is implementing this style of teaching in government schools across the state, introducing our new Phonics Plus program. Developed by Victorian academic and education experts in evidence-based reading instruction, including teachers, principals and speech pathologists, it best reflects how students learn to read. We have recently announced the Allan Labor government is making a funding investment to support schools to fully implement Victoria’s new approach to reading, from foundation to year 2 by the start of the 2027 school year, including a new year 1 phonics check based on the UK screening check, a short assessment that provides information to teachers on a student’s phonics knowledge. The Victorian government has invested an additional $35 billion in education over the last decade, and our recent agreement with the Albanese Labor government will ensure Victorian public schools are fully funded for the first time – the largest ever investment in Victorian public schools by the Australian government. Whether it is new schools, better classrooms or contemporary teaching resources, this Labor government is investing in what matters to teachers, to students and to parents.