Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Members statements
RSPCA Victoria
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RSPCA Victoria
Sonja TERPSTRA (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:50): I rise to speak about the free pet food pantry at my Doncaster electorate office, which is to support community members struggling with the rising cost of living. For many families pets are cherished companions, but financial pressures are forcing some people to make really heartbreaking decisions to surrender their pets. By providing free pet food we can help ease the burden that keeps pets where they belong, with their forever families. This initiative is made possible through a partnership with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, otherwise known as the RSPCA, a community-based charity dedicated to preventing animal cruelty. A member of RSPCA Australia since 1871, RSPCA Victoria is an integral part of the nation’s leading animal welfare network, with over 90 per cent of its funding coming from generous community support. Through its inspectorate, animal care centres, vet clinics, advocacy and outreach programs, RSPCA Victoria plays a vital role in protecting and caring for animals across the state. With their support, the pet food pantry at my office will provide free food for cats, dogs and other animals to those in need. I encourage anyone facing difficulty feeding their pets to please come and visit our pet food pantry or contact my office for assistance.