Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

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Northern Metropolitan Region

Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (12:52): (1430) For the Minister for Environment, last Friday I had the privilege of speaking at the 14th annual Celebrating Women in Conservation breakfast hosted by Trust for Nature and Bush Heritage Victoria. This year’s theme ‘March forward’ was a reminder that gender equality and environmental conservation go hand in hand. With International Women’s Day this Saturday, it is the perfect time to reflect on the incredible women leading conservation efforts. Their work is essential to protecting biodiversity, which is crucial in the fight against climate change. We know that safeguarding biodiversity is critical to keeping our planet healthy, and that includes diverse voices in conservation, which leads to better outcomes for our environment. We know that the conservation of our environment is absolutely critical to tackling climate change. My question is to the Minister for Environment in the other place on behalf of the local environment groups in my electorate: what is the Allan Labor government doing to support and protect the environment in the Northern Metropolitan Region?