Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Katherine COPSEY

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Southern Metropolitan Region

Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (12:51): (1429) My question is to the Minister for Housing and Building. Last year, in both March and May, I asked questions about the public housing estate at 1–9 Alamein Avenue in Ashburton. The public housing on the site has been partially vacant for years and is now at 82 per cent vacancy, with only seven of the 40 units now occupied. There has been virtually no maintenance on the site, and the existing tenants are left to live around the empty, squalid units that are regularly occupied by squatters. We are in a housing crisis, and to me and the tenants and the local constituents in Ashburton it is beyond comprehension that Homes Victoria has been sitting on this valuable public housing resource for years without putting people in there and with seemingly no progress. What are the government’s plans for this site?