Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: industrial relations

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Ministers statements: industrial relations

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:44): As the Minister for Industrial Relations, I am incredibly proud that our government supports and advocates for a fair and comprehensive safety net of minimum wages and conditions for workers, and we acknowledge that those who work unsociable and irregular hours should be compensated for such work. Penalty rates are a fundamental and inherent component of our industrial relations framework. That is why recently I coordinated the Victorian government’s submission to the Fair Work Commission advocating that retail workers’ entitlements to penalty rates be protected. We have consistently opposed the reduction of penalty rates because we know the impacts this would have particularly on vulnerable and low-paid workers. I want to acknowledge and commend the advocacy of the ACTU and the SDA, who represent workers in the retail sector who are heavily reliant on penalty rates. I have heard from the SDA stories of their members deeply concerned about the impact that the decision to remove penalty rates could have on them and their families. Workers in major supermarkets have emphasised how critical penalty rates are to making ends meet, stating:

Wages are so important … everything costs so much as it is.

Workers like Shaun told the union:

I bought a house with my wife; we have a mortgage and every dollar counts.

This makes clear that getting rid of penalty rates is not a fantastic deal for people like Shaun.

As minister I will always push for better wage outcomes for workers, something I am delighted to see was achieved recently with the Victoria Police enterprise agreement now being endorsed by members. It will see our hardworking police and PSOs receive a pay rise and improved conditions to acknowledge the critical work they do every day in keeping Victorians safe.