Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
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Northern Victoria Region
Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (12:53): (1431) My question is to the Minister for Health. Albury–Wodonga residents, local councillors, doctors and nurses have come to Parliament today to protest on the front steps. They are frustrated that the Labor state government reneged on their promise to build a new hospital for the rapidly growing region. I spoke with staff who start each shift facing ambulance ramping and a significant shortage of hospital beds. Time is wasted searching for a bed rather than caring for the patient. Over 3600 people are on the waitlist. The average wait time for category 2 patients is 430 days, and the region has the worst ambulance response times in the state. Locals are tired of raising the issues and being ignored as the state government ploughs ahead to redevelop the existing site with a master plan that fails to meet current needs, let alone future demand. I note the minister met with the key stakeholders in February this year. Will the government commit to reviewing the adequacy of existing plans to address the concerns being raised?