Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Members statements
Medicinal cannabis
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Medicinal cannabis
David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan) (09:52): Last Saturday the amendment to the Road Safety Act 1986 moved by Legalise Cannabis Victoria (LCV) finally took effect. How we deal with people taking a lawfully prescribed medication that is also an illicit drug has been an issue since 2016 when medicinal cannabis was made legal. Before Saturday medcan patients had no ability to defend themselves against a mandatory loss of licence. Our amendment proposed the sensible solution of simply allowing a magistrate to exercise discretion to not cancel the licence of a Victorian medicinal cannabis patient who tests positive for the presence of THC while driving unimpaired. The reform was supported by all members of this chamber present at the time except for Mr Bourman from the Shooters party.
We are already aware of a case yesterday which fulfilled the objectives of the reform, with licence preserved and no conviction recorded. The driver in question, a truckie, relies on medicinal cannabis as an alternative to the opioid Endone to relieve the symptoms of pain and arthritis. Yesterday’s court decision means he does not have to lose his livelihood, nor does he have to compromise his health. You can imagine his relief and that of patients across the state and nationally who are watching this small but important reform. This change is not a silver bullet, but it is a good interim measure which provides natural justice for medicinal cannabis patients. LCV will continue to campaign for the rights of cannabis consumers, be it on the road, in the workplace or in their private and social lives.