Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Constituency questions
Southern Metropolitan Region
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Southern Metropolitan Region
Ryan BATCHELOR (Southern Metropolitan) (12:55): (1433) My question is to the Minister for Education. Minister, how many schools in the Southern Metropolitan Region participate in the school breakfast clubs program? Last week I visited Mentone Primary School, one of the schools in Southern Metro that participate in the school breakfast clubs program. It was great to visit and see the benefit that the students at the school gain from having a breakfast club provide cereal, toast and fruit cups to students before school. It was also great to see the student leaders volunteering in the organisation, handing out the food. I spoke to Sienna, Addison and Morgan, grade 6 school leaders who were helping their fellow students get some nutritious food into their bellies. I also chatted to the parents, who were buttering toast at a rate I have never seen anyone butter toast before, such was the demand from the students at that school. They loved it. It is a great program, and I am glad to see it supporting families right across the region.