Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Constituency questions

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

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North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:54): (1432) My question today is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, and it relates to the consultations between Nillumbik Shire Council and Whittlesea council regarding the stage 2 upgrade of Yan Yean Road. Community members continue to have serious concerns about the Bridge Inn Road intersection and remain baffled about the decision to proceed with option B over option C. There was significant community support for option C, including from Nillumbik and Whittlesea councils. This option protected more beautiful old red gums and had a smaller footprint on this precious green wedge region. Nearby residents are deeply concerned that option B will funnel too much traffic onto smaller roads which are ill equipped for heavy traffic flow. The local Labor member recently claimed that families do not have time to head to an endless cycle of meetings about the road. However, just last week 60 people attended a community meeting to voice their concerns, with a second online meeting last night. Minister, the community deserves to know why the government proceeded with option B of this intersection upgrade instead of option C, which seemingly had much more support. Will you release the justification and consultation results to justify option B as the best choice?