Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Business of the house

Victorian Auditor-General’s Office

Mary-Anne THOMAS

Business of the house

Victorian Auditor-General’s Office

Performance audit

Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Ambulance Services) (13:44): I move, by leave:


(1) this house notes that on 5 October 2023 the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly agreed that under section 82 of the Audit Act 1994 MartinJenkins be appointed to conduct the performance audit of the Auditor-General and the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office in 2023–24 and further notes the recommendation in the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s report Independent Performance Audit of the Auditor-General and the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office 2024: Budget Variation, tabled 18 June 2024;

(2) a budget variation of an additional $30,000 (excluding GST) be approved for MartinJenkins to deliver the performance audit of the Auditor-General and the Victoria Auditor-General’s Office by the end of July 2024; and

(3) a message be sent to the Legislative Council requesting their agreement to the budget variation.

Motion agreed to.