Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Constituency questions

South-West Coast electorate

South-West Coast electorate

Roma BRITNELL (South-West Coast) (14:51): (684) My question is to the Minister for Health, and my question is: when can the South-West Coast community expect the promised PET scanner to be installed and fully operational in Warrnambool? In the lead-up to the 2022 election the Labor government pledged $44 million to deliver eight new PET scanners across Victoria, including one for South West Healthcare in Warrnambool. It is now mid-2024, and the hospital still lacks this promised equipment. Several people have told me they are having to make gruelling trips to Geelong for PET scans, which is impacting patient care and adding to the stress of what is already a difficult time for members of our community. South West Healthcare is already impacted by the hospital redevelopment being in a state of flux due to the lack of funding because of government mismanagement. The community have no faith that the government will deliver on its promised new PET scanner sometime soon.