Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Members statements

Primary school leaders forum

Primary school leaders forum

Jess WILSON (Kew) (15:36): Last month I hosted a primary school leaders forum where students discussed ideas and participated in a tour at Parliament House. This was an invaluable opportunity for me to hear firsthand about the issues which are important to our young people. One key issue raised with me was cost-of-living pressures, especially those around the cost of housing. Harper from Ruyton Girls’ School raised concerns about stamp duty and the role it plays in exacerbating the housing crisis. Many students spoke about the rise in homelessness, including Mira from Chatham Primary, who called for improved local government services. Another important issue raised was mental health and the detrimental effect of social media on young people. Ella from St Bede’s drew my attention to its harmful effects in causing body image issues, while William from Chatham raised how upgrading local sports ovals would improve the physical and mental wellbeing of young students. The importance of safe and accessible public transport was another prominent issue raised. Poppy from Our Holy Redeemer Primary School suggested making public transport free for students, while Alana from Genazzano spoke about the equity of all users touching on and off with their Myki.

I would like to thank all the students: Alexander and Zahab from Camberwell Grammar, Mira and William from Chatham Primary, Rena and Shreya from Fintona, Alana and Anita from Genazzano, Gabby and Isabel from Greythorn Primary School, Lucas and Violet from Kew East Primary, Rose and Oliver from Kew Primary School, Olivia and Sarah from MLC, Art and Poppy from Our Holy Redeemer, Christina and Arden from Our Lady of Good Counsel, Harper and Lottie from Ruyton, Alaia and Joel from Sacred Heart, Sylvia and Bailey from St Anne’s, Lucas and Ella from St Bede’s, James and Fletcher from Trinity, and Tom and Matthew from Xavier.