Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Constituency questions

Berwick electorate

Constituency questions

Berwick electorate

Brad BATTIN (Berwick) (14:47): (680) My constituency question is for the Premier, and I ask for the information she has about the expectations of her ministers responding to serious issues raised by me on behalf of the constituents of Berwick. It is becoming the norm for more than eight weeks to pass before we get even an acknowledgement that the ministers have received our inquiries. The worst offenders are the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, the Minister for Energy and Resources, the Minister for Public and Active Transport, the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Education. Included in these are one with the Minister for Roads and Road Safety which took them over a month to respond to. They have handballed it to another minister. There is also one about three households that have had major flood damage due to the works going on under the Level Crossing Removal Project. My office was informed on 3 April that this was handed to another minister, and since then we have failed to get anything back, leaving these families in the dark. I know for a fact that when Labor MPs write to a minister, the responses come back far, far quicker. We would expect the same for my constituents in Berwick.