Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Members statements

Pinewood Primary School

Pinewood Primary School

Matt FREGON (Ashwood) (15:23): In the last couple of weeks – talking about schools, as I am – it was a delight to welcome our Deputy Premier, the Minister for Education, down to Pinewood Primary School with my good friend the member for Glen Waverley to have a chat to their school captains. I will make sure I get those names in today: Samuel and Tiantian, who showed us around and showed us the new plans for the $8.56 million gym and four extra classrooms that were in this year’s budget. They are a little bit excited down there, because this is a school, as I have said before in this house, that has gone from about 300 kids 10 years ago to now 978. They have to have structured lunchtimes – two of them. I am going to run out of time again. (Time expired)