Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Members statements

Ashwood High School

Ashwood High School

Matt FREGON (Ashwood) (15:22): In our last episode, you may recall that I was talking about the great people down at Ashwood High and Dr Brett Moore down there. We had the Premier for a bit of a STEAM centre visit – and the new STEAM centre is looking awesome; I can still tell you that. But I did not get a chance to read out the names of the fantastic school captains, which was a little remiss of me, so I am going to fix that up. There is Emma Hew, school captain, and Miles Guy, also school captain. We have got vice-captains Amber Balmer and Noah Rostan, and Jason Suryanata is the international school captain if you do not mind. Then we have got a couple of middle school captains, Hannah Williams and Ameer Bux. They took us around, the Premier and me, to show us their new STEAM centre, which they are very proud of.