Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: housing

Ministers statements: housing

Melissa HORNE (Williamstown – Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Roads and Road Safety) (14:35): I ‍rise today to update the house on this government’s plans for more housing across our local government areas. To create more homes and to give industry the confidence they need to get on and build, we need government and all councils working together to the same goal, and that is more houses for Victorians. Victorian councils are often on the front lines of our community, whether it be during emergency responses we have seen so often in the past couple of years or delivering the services that their communities need.

And housing is no different. We are working in partnership with councils to build more homes and keep communities together. The starting point is to look for places where more homes can be built and at the types of homes that we need to suit Victorians in all kinds of places, and councils are uniquely placed to provide this insight. Our councils have the powers to unlock space for more homes by proposing changes to local planning rules.

Across Victoria I have sat down with councils and I have heard the same desire, which is for social cohesion. What that looks like is young people accessing housing where they grew up. It looks like empty-nesters being able to downsize in their own communities. The members for Bundoora, Mordialloc, Bentleigh and Oakleigh, to name a few, know that in their communities teenagers are moving away from their families and friends because of lack of affordable housing. Even in my own LGA, Hobsons Bay, where there is so much new housing on the go, we know that there is more we can do to keep our communities together.

We know that there is a housing affordability crisis, and it will require both the state government and councils to work together to unlock more housing supply. There is no more important issue for Victorians than housing affordability, housing choice and having a place to call home, a place of comfort and a place of pride. We are doing everything we can to pull all the levers available to ensure that Victorians have the best opportunity.