Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Members statements

Australian International Academy


Australian International Academy

Anthony CIANFLONE (Pascoe Vale) (15:31): On behalf of the people of Pascoe Vale, Coburg and Brunswick West, I would like to convey our sincere condolences to the Australian International Academy Islamic school community on the passing of its founder Mr Salah Salman and to his family. A community leader, educator and man of faith, Mr Salman was a leading figure of the Islamic community in the northern suburbs of Melbourne and throughout Victoria. A true pioneer of Muslim education, Mr Salman was a visionary who helped lead the establishment of Australia’s first dedicated Islamic primary and secondary school in the country in the heart of my electorate in Coburg way back in 1983 across their Sydney Road and Bakers Road campuses.

Mr Salman would be proud of the spirit and commitment to social justice that is instilled in the students of AIA over 40 years on, with students having recently written to the children of Gaza to convey their sympathies, concerns and solidarity in response to the ongoing tragedy that is unfolding, including Alia, who is 13, who wrote:

Dear People of Palestine,

The people of our School want you all to know that we care about you and we appreciate you.

We pray and make dua for you everyday … not a minute goes by where we don’t think about you …

My heart shatters when I think about the pain and suffering you have to endure …

Allah will always be with you, you are not alone.

I wish I could do … more to help the people of Gaza … insha’Allah these letters warm your heart …

Allah (SWT) will have a place for you in Jannah … Insha’Allah.

Let us all take note of the beautiful, innocent words of the students of AIA college, and let us stand against Islamophobia and antisemitism. Let us work to call for peace and foster social cohesion during these very difficult times. I commend the entire school leadership, including chair Melinda Baarini, Gafiah Dickson, Michelle Shears and Moustafa Elakkoumi as well.