Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Constituency questions

Rowville electorate

Rowville electorate

Kim WELLS (Rowville) (14:55): (688) My question is to the Minister for Education. When will the minister consider funding for public schools in the Rowville electorate and not just in marginal Labor seats? During the last state election, of the education commitments made by this Labor government, 70 per cent were made in Labor seats, and of the pitiful 28 per cent of commitments they made in Liberal seats, Labor has only delivered 41 per cent of that promised funding. Unsurprisingly, for Labor seats, they have already delivered 80 per cent of funding to their Labor electorates. Carrington Primary School in my electorate, like many other schools, was promised funding by Labor. It was promised $13.7 million at the last election and yet, like so many other schools, has been left dumped in the planning stages. Labor has a mandate to deliver on election commitments, but it does not have a mandate to punish schools in the electorate of Rowville.