Tuesday, 18 June 2024


Nepean electorate housing

Nepean electorate housing

Sam GROTH (Nepean) (19:07): (705) My adjournment tonight is for the Premier, and the action I seek is for her and the government to be transparent with the constituents in Nepean and on the Mornington Peninsula about where they plan to build their new target of 31,000 houses in the Mornington Peninsula shire – where they will be built, what density and any changes they have planned to green wedge zones to accommodate these new homes. We know that housing and homelessness is an issue; it is affecting people right across the state. There are people who are struggling to find housing and to get mortgages, and of course we need to see more housing built. There is a cost-of-living crisis, but the problem needs real solutions, not a government that has a housing plan that is full of fantasy.

We have seen this government this week abandon their housing plan of 80,000 homes a year – 800,000 ‍homes being built over the next 10 years – for a new plan of 2.5 million homes over 27 years. They have gone from 80,000 homes to 90,000 a year with no capacity or capability, and it is a target that when you push it out that far you cannot be held accountable to. There is no wonder they have tried to change their mind. The 31,000 homes they build are additional homes, so new dwellings. It has set off alarm bells, certainly within my community. We value responsible, considered development on the Mornington Peninsula, especially the southern part, and we also want to make sure that that green wedge is protected. We know the Mornington Peninsula is wedged between Port Phillip and Western Port Bay. We are limited for space down there, and large parts of it absolutely are protected. We need to know where these homes will go. Are we all of a sudden going to see high-rise developments going up along the beach areas? Is that this government’s plan, or do they plan to just completely steamroll over green wedge protections? These are real concerns the community has, and the government just cannot obscure details and push off into the distance their confused and improbable housing plans.

This government is intent on taxing Victorians when it comes to property – more than two dozen new and increased property taxes over the last 10 years. Labor cannot manage money. They are taxing people out of the property market. They are putting unrealistic targets onto people. Victorians need real action when it comes to housing, not fanciful targets of 90,000 homes a year, 2.5 million homes, 27 years, 2051. Let us be realistic, and let us be clear where these houses are going to go and whether they are going to steamroll planning in this state.