Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Members statements

Frankston Central post office

Frankston Central post office

Paul EDBROOKE (Frankston) (15:43): The Frankston community has recently learned that the Australia Post office in Frankston will be closing down without any consultation. We have just been surprised. We cannot let this happen for our community members and for our businesses in our thriving city centre. This decision absolutely stinks. The Wells Street central post office is more than just a post office for our community. It is a hub for businesses and for community members – a centralised area where people go to send things to their families and loved ones, to collect mail, to pay bills, to get passport photos and to do their banking. Yet our Wells Street post office is closing, apparently. As I said, there has been no consultation on this decision by the Australia Post board, who tell us that they are at the heart of every community in their 2023 annual report. Well, Australia Post, before you rip the heart out of our community, I want you to know that here is a message signed, sealed and delivered from the Frankston community straight to you: we will not take this lying down. We are angry. Do not close our post office.