Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Members statements

Reclink Community Cup

Reclink Community Cup

Gary MAAS (Narre Warren South) (15:40): I recently had the pleasure of representing the Minister for Community Sport at the Reclink Community Cup, which was held at Victoria Park on Sunday. The community cup is a fantastic, very Melbourne event where musicians in the team the Rockdogs take on public radio, the Triple R and PBS Megahertz, in a friendly game of footy. The day features many local acts, this year including the Vovos and Ross Wilson. The event is a staple on the Melbourne calendar. It has been running for over 30 years, and yet again it was another draw. Reclink promotes healthy sport and recreation and arts programs and supports many people experiencing hardship, including mental health challenges, in our community. They really are a terrific organisation. Thanks to the volunteers, staff, founder Peter Cullen, CEO Dave Wells and the wider Reclink community for your fabulous work.