Tuesday, 18 June 2024


Bruce Park, Frankston

Bruce Park, Frankston

Paul EDBROOKE (Frankston) (19:13): (708) My adjournment matter is for the minister for sport, and the action I seek is for the minister to come and visit the Bruce Park Tennis Club, Frankston Rovers, Heatherhill Cricket Club and Heatherhill Football Club at Bruce Park sporting facility.

Sam Groth interjected.

Paul EDBROOKE: Yes, I am sure you could show us a couple of things on the tennis court there. I have spoken to this club for quite some time. The president of the Heatherhill Football Club Zac White has been instrumental in gaining a long-term commitment for redevelopment of this facility. The 1200 members of this club certainly deserve more than they have got at the moment. Council, the federal government and the state government have all shown their interest in this. Council have in their long-term infrastructure planning a $2.4 million commitment in 2028. So I would love the minister to come down and meet some of the amazing kids there and the adult members of these sporting clubs. Come and say g’day and see what kinds of clubrooms they have got and what facilities they have got and have a chat about how we can improve them.