Tuesday, 18 June 2024


Traffic accident reports

Traffic accident reports

Nicole WERNER (Warrandyte) (19:15): (709) My adjournment debate tonight is for the Minister for Police, and the action that I seek is for the minister to introduce changes to Victoria Police policy to ensure that traffic accident reports are available at no cost to individuals that are involved in traffic accidents. Recently a constituent of mine reached out to my office following a traffic collision between them and another vehicle in which my constituent was identified as not being at fault, as the other driver ran a red light, resulting in them being collided with. My constituent immediately sought a record of the incident from the attending police officer, who then advised that they would provide the report at a later date. They followed up the matter at the local police station two weeks later and were subsequently advised that they would have to apply for the report online at a cost of $57.20. However, if they were making an insurance claim they could request a copy directly from their insurer. As the constituent was not making a claim, they would have no choice but to pay the fee to get a copy of the report for their own records.

I am surprised and astounded that for a person to get a copy of a traffic accident report, especially an accident where they are not responsible, they still need to pay a fee of $57.20. I am sure the minister would agree that the last thing a person needs after they have gone through a traumatic car accident where they are not at fault is to have to pay another fee to the government to be able to access this information.